我常被問到週末都在幹嘛. 坦白說我的週末都滿忙碌的,常常一早出門深夜才回到家. 但是問我到底在幹嘛, 我也講不出個什麼大事來. 最近我終於搞清楚了,週末我花最多的時間是"在路上開車". 上週六是一個小妹典型的一個在local過的週末:
8:30 AM: 出門送住附近的同事去機場,還好機場很近,9AM就回到家, 補睡個回籠覺.來回milage: 20.
12PM: 跟朋友約要去Fremont參加野餐,等朋友從SF開車來跟我會合. 從我家到Fremont Central Park: milage: 26. 但是因為塞車花了時間: 1 小時. 加上朋友從SF來的時候就己經因為塞車遲到. 我們總共比預計時間慢了1小時才到達目的地, 到的時候食物已經所剩無幾.
2:40PM: 從Central Park 到 Kart N Golf 玩 cage batting, 也在Fremont. Milage: 5. 因為迷路,花了25 min.
4:PM: 從 Kart N Golf 離開去打羽毛球,球館在Milpitas: milage:13. 到了球館己經快4:30PM. 晚上還要去Cupertino看Shakespear.算算能打球時間不多, 決定放棄打球, 直接到晚上要去看Shakespear的朋友家會和.
4:30PM: 開車到San Jose 朋友家會和. milage: 7. 開車時間: 20 min.
4:50 PM: 在San Jose Downtown朋友家門口,發現朋友還沒出現.把握時間衝到Costco買今天出書的Harry Potter 7跟其他日常用品.milage: 6.2. 開車時間:15 min.
5:15 PM: 在Costco購物, Costco跟往常一樣人滿為患. 排cashier時間比買東西時間還長. 等到終於結好帳, 回到San Jose朋友家: 6:10PM.
6:15PM: 從朋友家往Cupertino Memorial Park. 由朋友開車. milage: 12. 開車時間:15 min.
6:40PM: 終於找到停車位,找到Memorial Park的舞台. 今天第一次可以坐下來3小時, 在月光下看戲.
10:20PM: 戲結束, 開車回San Jose朋友家拿我的車.
10:32PM: 回到San Jose, 拿到我的車.自己開車回家: milage :30. 晚上不塞車,只花25 min.
現在我終於知道為什麼我週末比平常上班時間還累了.老實說我有點厭煩這種開車的日子.雖說bay area的範圍太大,上班地點,家跟朋友全都相距很遠, 但如果我住在一個現代化的歐洲或亞洲大都會區,例如東京或倫敦,我大概可以坐電車/公車走透透,不用自己勞心勞神開車吧.美國人自己說地大是個公路國家,但也該為環保的交通方式努力一下多蓋些公共交通設施吧.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Adios! my friends!
Several of my friends are leaving the US and going back to their home countries this summer. Some of them have been thinking and struggled around the decisions and have finally made up their minds. I'm totally happy that they are moving toward to the better life in their hearts. In the meantime, I feel absolutely lonely and sad of losing friends in my life.
I myself have doubts to stay in this country every now and then. It's never easy to be a first-generation immigrant. I often think of my forefathers who went across the "black trench" (The Taiwan Straights) from China to Taiwan couple hundred years ago. Under what situation did they leave their hometown? Were they forced to leave? Or did they volunteer to leave and believe they were earning a better life? Did they ever expect to flourish on a barren island? And, most important of all, did they ever imagine that they would have a descendant who is stupid enough to even go across the Pacific to another new land? Ocassionaly, I have to encourage myself to stay in this country by my forefather's expereinces. I mean, if they could have survived under a poor and difficult environment in the old times, why can't I survive or even thrive in a modern time- where I can skype Mommy anytime, and poor in materials is not an issue anymore? Because of this, I'm still trying to stay put in this country, persuing my American dream. And boy, there is definitely some fun to live a foreign life.
But my friend, what I really want to say is that thank you so much for being a friend for the whole time. I appreciate the laughs and tears we shared together over these years. I cherish the memory when you came to pick me up in LAX the first day I arrived in this country. I remember our stupid one-day drive merely to a tiny waterfall that was allegedly to be world-class beautiful. And I won't forget the time we partied together and the jazz show in a cold night with fireworks.
Adios! My friend. Although I wanted you to be here with me, I know you are following your heart to a wonderland. Enjoy the sweet home and keep up a good living. I might follow you soon to go home, or I'll stay here and keep a guestroom for you. I look forward to hearing from you ab0ut your new life.
Take good care of yourself! My love and best wishes are with you!
I myself have doubts to stay in this country every now and then. It's never easy to be a first-generation immigrant. I often think of my forefathers who went across the "black trench" (The Taiwan Straights) from China to Taiwan couple hundred years ago. Under what situation did they leave their hometown? Were they forced to leave? Or did they volunteer to leave and believe they were earning a better life? Did they ever expect to flourish on a barren island? And, most important of all, did they ever imagine that they would have a descendant who is stupid enough to even go across the Pacific to another new land? Ocassionaly, I have to encourage myself to stay in this country by my forefather's expereinces. I mean, if they could have survived under a poor and difficult environment in the old times, why can't I survive or even thrive in a modern time- where I can skype Mommy anytime, and poor in materials is not an issue anymore? Because of this, I'm still trying to stay put in this country, persuing my American dream. And boy, there is definitely some fun to live a foreign life.
But my friend, what I really want to say is that thank you so much for being a friend for the whole time. I appreciate the laughs and tears we shared together over these years. I cherish the memory when you came to pick me up in LAX the first day I arrived in this country. I remember our stupid one-day drive merely to a tiny waterfall that was allegedly to be world-class beautiful. And I won't forget the time we partied together and the jazz show in a cold night with fireworks.
Adios! My friend. Although I wanted you to be here with me, I know you are following your heart to a wonderland. Enjoy the sweet home and keep up a good living. I might follow you soon to go home, or I'll stay here and keep a guestroom for you. I look forward to hearing from you ab0ut your new life.
Take good care of yourself! My love and best wishes are with you!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
對一個嬰兒來說,可能是盪鞦韆, 右圖是7個月大的小baby在盪鞦韆, 看她表情多風神!
對一個10幾歲的少年來說,可能是飆車, 所以才會有五月天的"軋車"這首歌, 聽起來多豪邁.
但對於已經而立之年的我來說,就有點尷尬了. 年紀越大顧忌越多, 路上開車不敢太快,怕被警察開罰單, 保險公司漲保費; 看人家衝浪玩Water Skiing覺得很帥,但是像我這種肉腳運動細胞能練到搭上浪頭在板子上站起來恐怕已經晒成肉乾.
兩個月前跟朋友去Go Karting (小型賽車), 開快車很過癮, 玩起來很刺激, 但是是在室內的軌道, 撞到牆卡在軌道中的時候就很不風神了.
這個週末(7/15)有人約要去American River 泛舟(white water rafting) , 記憶中我只有在小時候跟著爸爸的員工旅遊到南台灣某處泛過舟, 只記得玩完大概因為掉到水裡全身髒兮兮, 荒郊野外又沒處洗澡, 印象不佳. 然而幾年前我看了"航向惡水"這本書之後就對white water rafting心生嚮往.我想像駕著"輕盈"的橡皮艇從一條河的上游越過湍流,渡過瀑布,一路往河的下游去- 實在是太酷了. 所以一聽說沒受過訓練的人也可以去參加, 管他清晨4點就要出門, 一整天都要在河上曝晒, 馬上一口答應.
一大早起床, 從灣區開車到Sacramento北邊的小鎮 Foothill,等船公司的巴士來載我們到河邊. 在巴士上上有一位叫作Lara的女生講解安全守則. Lara長的就像古墓奇兵裡面的羅拉, 身材修長健美, 皮膚被太陽晒的紅通通的, 金色的頭髪綁著辮子, 看起來就是經驗十足的划船手.我們都希望等一下她來帶我們的船. 經過40分鐘的車程到了河邊, 今天有6條船要一起下河,每條船上可載6人加嚮導. 現在6條橡皮艇都還在岸上, 等著嚮導們作行前準備. 有人說我們這群人的船是某一條, 大家轉頭過去看, 船上有一個胖胖的男生動作慢慢的在整理船,他穿著一件長袖襯衫,滿臉雀斑,金色的鬈髪散在臉上, 藍色的眼睛看起來很天真, 我們想這傢伙應該是船公司支援補給的小弟吧! 沒想到他竟然來跟我們自我介紹,原來他就是我們這條船的嚮導, 叫作Phil. 我們不禁擔心起來, 我們都是沒經驗的初學者, 嚮導是船上最重要的人物,負責掌舵, 這個溫溫吞吞的年輕人行嗎?
Phil檢查了我們的救生衣,頭盔,帶上槳之後就準備扛著船下水了. 大家既興奮又有點害怕上了船, 同伴中兩個壯丁坐船首,任務重大, 我們幾個女生坐後面, Phil坐在船尾. Phil教了我們兩個基本動作- backward paddling 和 forward paddling. 接著告訴我們不落水的原則就是全船的人要同心協力,聽他的口令動作一致, 其他的交給他就好了. 我們稍微練習了一下, 船下水之後很快就順著河流向下漂,一下就來到一個小急流,Phil喊”Forward! Forward!”, 大家拼命往前划,我感覺到腳下的水流湍急,瞬間我們就在急流中! 清早的河水冷冽,浪打過來濺濕了半身,然而一個哆唆還沒打完, 我們已過了這個急流!我回頭一看, 哇, 滾滾白色水花, 我們竟然一下就安全過了,這實在太酷了! White Water Rafting 原來就是這麼回事.
我們聽著Phil的指示又划過了幾個小急流,之後來到了一段比較平緩的水面, 這時可以稍微鬆口氣享受一下這裡的河光山色, 今天天氣很好, 天空一片蔚藍,兩旁的峽谷滿滿是綠色
Phil又帶我們划過好幾個刺激的河段, 過了一陣子之後我們上岸吃午餐。在這麼自然的地方,當然是野餐了, 大家也各自找個草叢回應Call of Nature。休息了一陣子之後,繼續上路。午飯後有很長一段河水平緩,船可以在河上漂流,幾乎都不用划, 簡直就可以在船上打個小盹,不然也可以下水去游泳. 雖然太陽很大,但是河水很冰涼,游起來沁人心。我們也跟旁邊的船打起水戰來. 沒下水的人跟Phil聊天,才知道他從事這一行已經4年多了,在美國各地都泛過舟,技巧高明, 難怪後來聽別船的人說我們這船的動作最不整齊, 呵,其實是因為Phil在後面掌舵的好,所以我們划起來很輕鬆,當初真是有眼不識泰山啊。
過了很長一段之後,到了一個6級的瀑布如右圖,這一段瀑布難度很高所以我們都不划,直接放船漂水流,我們上岸走一小段到下游處接船。接下來就是本行的另一個難關: Cleavage 跟 Catapult. 這兩段急流一開始的時候很慢,然後突然加快,聽說會像彈弓一樣把船彈出去, 雖然高度下降不大, 但水流方向不一,又有好幾個大石頭卡在中間, 必須要有高度的技巧,不然一個不小心就會翻船. 我們誠惶誠恐的跟著Phil的口令,慢慢往前, 等快到了急流, 感覺到整個水流如漩渦,又快又猛, Phil一下喊Forward! Forward! 一下Left Turn! 一下子又Right Turn! Right Turn! 我們把身體放低, 槳舉高, 用腰的力量,用手臂的力量, 拼命向動著槳, 但是水流好像才是真正在操縱船隻的力量, 最後一個Forward! Foward!之後, 我們一下子就衝到前方平緩的水流. Ya!又再度安全度過! 全船人興奮的擊槳歡呼!
我們是6條船裡第一艘過最後這兩段急流的, 過了之後我們向前划了一點,在河岸邊等其他船過來. 過了一陣子都不見最後一條船, 後來才知道有一條船翻船了,還好船上的人都很安全的回到船上, 沒人受傷.
過了Catapult之後就沒有什麼急流了, 這時又可以下去游泳, 不久我們就到了終點. 大家全身濕漉漉的上岸, 站在下午的陽光下把自己晒乾. 船公司的巴士又來載我們回到集合處. 完美的結束我在美國的第一次white water rafting. 這次泛舟刺激又好玩, 其實真正要泛舟要懂河流,要拿捏船的方向, 要充足的經驗, 不是一天兩天就能學會的. 托嚮導的福, 沒學過的人也可以假裝很酷的成功划過千山萬水. 希望明年能再來挑戰更難一點的河段!
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