Sunday, April 29, 2007


朋友找我去聽一個在山景市(Mountain View) 開的音樂會,是在人家的家裡開的。原來是當地的一個合唱團老師,他秉著"音樂不一定要在富麗堂皇的音樂廳表演"的理念, 已經在家開了11年的音樂會,每一次都會請一些不同的樂團來表演,觀眾以附近居民為主,也有遠地慕名而來的, 聽說通常都有80人上下來參加,最高記錄曾達200人。

這一次的樂團是Hillbillies from Mars (來自火星的鄉下人), 我沒聽過這個團,看網路上介紹 "the Hillbillies have been rocking out in the traditional music and dance scene since 1982"。我只注意到rocking兩個字,心想這大概是個搖滾樂團吧。我又想誰家裡會坐的下80, 100人,這個演唱會應該會在他家的後院戶外進行吧, 於是我穿上我的皮衣嬉皮牛仔褲,一身搖滾勁裝出門。快到目的地的時候就看到一些人陸陸續續往同一個方向走, 應該也是要去聽演唱會的。但是這些人怎麼多是中年人呢?而且很多人都帶著折疊椅。到了現場一看,哇,原來在客廳裏已經有大約5,60人,大多是40~60歲的中年美國人,也有扶老攜幼閤家光臨的,大家都一派輕鬆的坐在自己帶來的椅子上。 真糗,這不可能是搖滾樂了,小妹我服裝完全穿錯, 又沒帶椅子。室內基本上己經坐滿了,我們只好到從客廳連出去的院子裡去。院子裡有一張長椅,上面還很貼心了放了兩條毛毯,於是我們和兩個美國小妹妹分享這條長椅,很舒適的坐了下來。

沒多久,樂團進來了,主人大概介紹一下之後,他們就開始在客廳表演. 原來這是一個4人樂團,樂器有吉他,小提琴,長笛,手風琴,還有一種非常特別的樂器: bagpipes (風笛)。 表演的是像歐洲的民族音樂, 弦律和協,樂音質樸, 節奏有激情也有和緩. 很快的我就覺得自己身在阿爾卑斯山, 第一次知道現場演奏的民族音樂也可以這麼熱情呢。

中場休息的時候,主人還提供咖啡點心, 坐在我們旁邊的兩個美國小妹妹跑去玩客廳的鋼琴,其他人都在閒話家常,看起來好像大家都彼此認識,好幾個人過來跟我們說我們的位子是全場最贊的,因為長椅看起來很舒服,又可以躺下來。有一個老太太過來說我們身上的毛毯是她爸爸一次世界大戰時留下來的軍用毯! 她每次都會帶來提供大家使用。

中場休息過後演奏風笛的人講了一段他年輕時在歐洲四處旅行,在某個山裏的小村子聽到這個風笛的美妙音色,就決心自己一定也要會吹奏這種樂器的傳奇故事,然後繼續演奏。我們裹著毛毯躺在長椅上,抬頭仰望星空,流暢的音樂溫暖的圍繞在我們四週, 我想起我在LA最喜歡的地方之一-Hollywood Bowl, 那裏的夏季露天音樂會同樣是輕鬆悠閒, 但是比較起來, 家庭音樂會氣氛更溫馨,更親切。音樂, 有好多種方法跟人分享,不用上網搶票,不需要先進的音響設備,在家開的小小音樂會,讓人一樣感動.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The wild parrots of telegraph hill

There was an art movie theater in my neighborhood when I lived in LA, I saw many nice independent films there at that time. One day, I passed by the theater and saw a poster in vivid green and flamboyant red- it is "The wild parrots of telegraph hill". I was immediately attracted by the colorful poster. I went home and checked what this movie was about. On its official website, it says "a documentary of a Bohemian St. Francis and his remarkable relationship with a flock of wild green-and-red parrots. Mark Bittner, a homeless street musician in San Francisco, falls in with the flock as he searches for meaning in his life, unaware that the wild parrots will bring him everything he needs". Hmmm, that looked very interesting. I knew that Telegraph Hill is a place in San Francisco, but i had no sense about its location and its nature environment nor wildlife. Unfortunately, during the month when the movie was showing there in the theater, I didn't have a chance to watch it. As time went by, of course I forgot about it and the movie only left a very vague impression on my mind- the beautiful poster.

Last weekend, I had a chance to visit the Oakland Museum of California. Surprisingly, the movie happened to be shown there that day. So I watched the movie after 2 years when I first encountered it. It was a wonderful movie, the story of Mark Bittner and the birds was well-told. Fun fact: no one really knows where the wild parrots came from. This movie changed my childish ideas about that parrots always talk. :P. At the end of the show, Mark Bittner and the director Judy Irving (they married!) even showed up for the Q & A session.

Now that I've lived in the bay area for a year. I know what the urban area in San Francisco is about. I can't believe there is a flock of wild parrots flying in the sky in the city. I mean, I can imagine a big flock of parrots in a rain forest. But in the city, they are so distinguishable with their colors, how can they survive from the evil human and the polluted environment? And I've been to the telegraph hill area several times, how come I've never spotted a parrot? The story in the movie actually happened around 1998, who knows if the parrots are still there.

I decided to give the green birds a visit if there is still any. Yesterday after work, I drove to a park in which rumor has it as with the highest likelihood the parrots may show up. From a distance I did see a few people gathering around two bushes, however i saw no parrots but a big crowd of pigeons as you can see in any metropolitan park. As I walked closer to the bushes, I heard louder and louder chirping that's not from the pigeons. Chicka-squawk-chicka-squawk! And then amazingly, there they are: green parrots with red heads!
At least 50 of them! Most of them were just resting in the bushes enjoying themselves. Their green color nicely blended into the green bush leaves so I couldn't spot them from a distance. As people brought food (mostly nuts) for them, the parrots flew out of the bushes and enjoyed the food in people's hand. An old gentleman gave me some sunflower seed, I put them in my palms. After a few minutes, the parrots noticed me and flew down boldly eating the seeds from my hands. One of them even landed on my head (To be honest, I was really worried that it's gonna poo on my head! :P) Their feet were a little sharp, but it doesn't hurt at all when they landed on your hand (or head).
When the seeds in my hands were all gone, the birds discarded me and flew away. The whole experience was a just lot of fun. The parrots were inured to people feeding and watching them. I got to see them really close and watch their adorable behaviors. Almost all them were red-headed, only one was with green head. They played, cackled and chatted to each other, they also watched me like I was a funny thing when I was watching them.

As the sun set, I left the park with appreciation. I was totally amazed by the urban wildlife and I felt peaceful that there seem to be a harmony between these lovely birds and human beings. No one was chasing, hurting or trying to catch the bird. The birds looked healthy and seemed to enjoy the company of human beings. I heard that the neighborhood and the city come together every few years to save the wild parrots from some new threat. Hopefully this action can last forever, and then we can keep another legend in San Francisco: The wild parrots of Telegraph Hill.

Thursday, April 5, 2007




這部書/劇把醫院裡面的派系糾葛,爾虞我詐,爭權奪利講的那麼明白, 想到有所謂救世濟人的醫生為了私利,不惜犧牲病人的權益,不禁讓人恨的牙癢。而真正好看的地方在每個角色都被全方位的描寫出來, 因此沒有一人是全然的好人或壞人,就像真實的人性一樣。 

看這部戲讓我回想起過去在台灣工作時,稱呼每個人都要以職謂尊稱: x主任,x科長, x教授, x老師...。至於沒有特別了不起稱謂的通常就是x小姐。就連護士除了阿長外也是被稱為x小姐(我對於這點一直感到不平,難道護士的專業沒有其他醫護人員值得尊重嗎?)。這種稱謂文化就像古時封建制度留下來的遺跡, 比較起來在美國直呼其名的職場文化要輕鬆多了,管你是天大的CEO,大家照樣直接叫你的名字。然而不可否認的不管在那裡都有白色巨塔的存在。哎,人這種動物,不管種族性別職業,只要有3人以上存在,就可以營黨結社。因為這樣,我想永遠當小兵,幻想著別人權力鬥爭的戰火永遠燒不到我頭上來。當這個夢想破滅的那一天,也許就是我回家開我的豆花店的時候了。 



"天上的星星有時就是太過年輕, 沒有光芒還在那閃爍不定"。
但是再三吟哦後, 開始覺得有點怪怪-印象中星星應該是越年輕越亮吧?
咦,難道是我地球科學沒學好?還是伍佰天文不好? 嗯, 不是很確定...

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Knock me out when spring really ends

Spring has come and passed (almost)
The innocence can never last
Knock me out when spring really ends

Like my passions come to pass
3 months has gone so fast
Knock me out when spring really ends

Blessed by the young star again
Glimmering in the sky
Too green to shine like sun
That's truly who i am

As my hope have rested
But never forget what I've gained
Knock me out when spring really ends

Spring has come and passed
The innocence can never last
Knock me out when spring really ends

Sing out the the song again
Like we did when the year began
Knock me out when spring really ends

Blessed by the young star again
Glimmering in the sky
When can it glitter like true?
That's what i have dreamed of

As my memory rests
But never forget what I've lost
Knock me out when spring really ends

Spring has come and passed
The innocence can never last
Knock me out when spring really ends

Like my passions come to pass
Thirty years has gone so fast
Knock me out when spring really ends
Knock me out when spring really ends
Knock me out when spring really ends

Adapted from Green Day, "Wake me up when September Ends". I'd like to dedicate this song to a long-time respectful friend who has led me to believe a dream is coming true. A dream so wonderful that I didn't want to wake up from, although I knew it's gonna end as spring ends.