Thursday, July 19, 2007

Adios! my friends!

Several of my friends are leaving the US and going back to their home countries this summer. Some of them have been thinking and struggled around the decisions and have finally made up their minds. I'm totally happy that they are moving toward to the better life in their hearts. In the meantime, I feel absolutely lonely and sad of losing friends in my life.

I myself have doubts to stay in this country every now and then. It's never easy to be a first-generation immigrant. I often think of my forefathers who went across the "black trench" (The Taiwan Straights) from China to Taiwan couple hundred years ago. Under what situation did they leave their hometown? Were they forced to leave? Or did they volunteer to leave and believe they were earning a better life? Did they ever expect to flourish on a barren island? And, most important of all, did they ever imagine that they would have a descendant who is stupid enough to even go across the Pacific to another new land? Ocassionaly, I have to encourage myself to stay in this country by my forefather's expereinces. I mean, if they could have survived under a poor and difficult environment in the old times, why can't I survive or even thrive in a modern time- where I can skype Mommy anytime, and poor in materials is not an issue anymore? Because of this, I'm still trying to stay put in this country, persuing my American dream. And boy, there is definitely some fun to live a foreign life.

But my friend, what I really want to say is that thank you so much for being a friend for the whole time. I appreciate the laughs and tears we shared together over these years. I cherish the memory when you came to pick me up in LAX the first day I arrived in this country. I remember our stupid one-day drive merely to a tiny waterfall that was allegedly to be world-class beautiful. And I won't forget the time we partied together and the jazz show in a cold night with fireworks.

Adios! My friend. Although I wanted you to be here with me, I know you are following your heart to a wonderland. Enjoy the sweet home and keep up a good living. I might follow you soon to go home, or I'll stay here and keep a guestroom for you. I look forward to hearing from you ab0ut your new life.

Take good care of yourself! My love and best wishes are with you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thank you for all your wishes!
I will bring them with me on my way home :)