Thursday, October 11, 2007

Personal development class

I went to a personal development training course last week. It's supposed to be a training that can help your efficacy at work, however, i believe all we learned from the class apply to every area in our life. I especially found it extremely applicable to my personal life.
The teacher was a black gentleman who is already 74 years old. He's the charm of the class. The way he talks is like Oprah. And he looks so wise and inspiring. I've never seen such a person like that.

Three take-outs from the class:
1. Most of us have been trained as performance-oriented all our life. We try to prove ourselves to people. This kind of life philosophy will make failures as shames, and an index that your ability level is not enough. However, why not try a"learning-oriented" life? What we should do is to "improve" ourselves instead of "proving" ourselves. In this case, a failure will be an opportunities to further improve your ability.

2. It's your response to a stimulus that matters, and that can be changed. Not the stimulus itself.

3. Don't wrestle with a pig. Because you'll both get filthy, and the pig loves it.

Just wanna write this down so I won't forget what I've learned from the class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you seem enjoy your personal development class too LONG ~~~ :P